Life Changing Bible Verses On The Concept Of Salvation.
INTRODUCTION: The concept of salvation is central to Christianity, representing the deliverance from sin and its consequences. It is a crucial aspect of the Christian…
INTRODUCTION: The concept of salvation is central to Christianity, representing the deliverance from sin and its consequences. It is a crucial aspect of the Christian…
HELL IS CONSTANTLY BEING ENLARGED! Isaiah 5:14 says “Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude,…
Do you know why you are here? In order for you to live a successful life, it is important that you know the purpose for…
The Seriousness of Sin and Forgiveness Note: This is the second in a series of three posts used with permission from Guest Author John Burton…
Steps to Living a New Life in Christ 1. Embrace the New Life 2 Corinthians 5:17 – “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ…
It’s clear from your message that you’re emphasizing the importance of making a conscious choice regarding one’s eternal destiny, either in Heaven or Hell, and…
Are You Sure That Heaven Will Be Your Eternal Home? When you take your last breath here on earth, are you sure that Heaven will…
If so, it’s easy and the road is wide! All you have to do is continue living your life as you are now, rejecting Jesus…
Be Sure of Your Salvation Jesus Teaches Nicodemus About Being Born Again John 3:1-3 (NIV): “Now there was a Pharisee, a man named Nicodemus who…
Below Are The Marks Of The True Gospel And The Marks Of The False Gospels. 1. MARKS OF THE TRUE GOSPEL Teaches That The Source…
ARE YOU: Too Young To Come To God? Too Old To Come To God? Too Tired To Come To God? Too Busy To Come To…
God takes “Soul Winning” very seriously. As Christians, we are commanded to reach out and compel the lost to get saved. We are also to…
Salvation is a gift, pure and simple. God gives us Salvation on the basis of what Jesus Christ has done for us and welcomes us…