7 Myths About Getting Into Heaven.
Over generations, because of lack of knowledge or the ability to
read, people have been falsely led into believing that there are many
ways to heaven.
read, people have been falsely led into believing that there are many
ways to heaven.
We are publishing this post to expose these 7 myths (lies from the
- Being a member in good standing of the right church, denomination,
or religion will get you into heaven. FALSE! - Having the right religion will get you into
heaven. FALSE! - Joining a
specific church and attending regularly will get you into heaven.
FALSE! - Paying your
tithes and regularly giving substantial offerings or charitable
donations will get you into heaven. FALSE!
- Good Works
will get you into heaven (Examples: Being on the Usher Board;
Singing in the Choir; Being a Deacon; Being on the Mother’s Board;
Working in the kitchen; Faithfully being a greeter or parking lot
attendant, etc.) FALSE! - Being a
morally good person or living an exemplary life will get you into
heaven. FALSE! - Being a
prophet, preacher, teacher, minister, priest or pastor will get you
into heaven. FALSE!
Even if you
have sincerely been or done all of the above but have not accepted
Jesus as your Savior and Lord, you
are still lost and will not get into heaven!
You might as well have done nothing if you haven’t done the most
important thing.
have sincerely been or done all of the above but have not accepted
Jesus as your Savior and Lord, you
are still lost and will not get into heaven!
You might as well have done nothing if you haven’t done the most
important thing.
God loves you
and it is not His will for you to be lost (perish). That is why He
has made His Free Gift Of
Salvation (Jesus)
available to everyone.
and it is not His will for you to be lost (perish). That is why He
has made His Free Gift Of
Salvation (Jesus)
available to everyone.
Peter 3:9 (NIV) says
Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness.
Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but
everyone to come to repentance.”
Peter 3:9 (NIV) says
Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness.
Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but
everyone to come to repentance.”
3:16 (NIV) says
God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that
whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
There is
still Only
One Way
to get to heaven and here is what you must do to be absolutely sure
that heaven will be your eternal home.
still Only
One Way
to get to heaven and here is what you must do to be absolutely sure
that heaven will be your eternal home.
Admit that you are sinner – even if you think you have done nothing
worse than telling a little lie. Remember, no sin is too great or
too small for God to forgive. Big or small – sin is sin. They are
all the same to God and Christ exchanged His forgiveness for our
worse than telling a little lie. Remember, no sin is too great or
too small for God to forgive. Big or small – sin is sin. They are
all the same to God and Christ exchanged His forgiveness for our
4:25 (NIV) says
was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for
our justification.”
penitent, be sorry
for your sins, and be willing to change and not do them again.
penitent, be sorry
for your sins, and be willing to change and not do them again.
John 4:7-8 (NIV) says
friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone
who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love
does not know God, because God is love.”
6:14-15 (NIV) says
if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly
Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their
sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”
you have any hate or anger against anyone, you must forgive them. If
you don’t, you will not get into heaven.
you have any hate or anger against anyone, you must forgive them. If
you don’t, you will not get into heaven.
10:8-12 (NIV) says “But
what does it say? “The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in
your heart,” that is, the message concerning faith that we
proclaim: If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and
believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be
saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified,
and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
As Scripture says, “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to
shame.” For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the
same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him.”
Have you ever been asked, “How do I become a Christian?” These
verses give you the beautiful answer – salvation is as close as
your own mouth and heart. People think that salvation must be a
complicated process, but it is not. If you believe in your heart and
say with your mouth that Christ is the risen Lord, you will be saved.
Have you ever been asked, “How do I become a Christian?” These
verses give you the beautiful answer – salvation is as close as
your own mouth and heart. People think that salvation must be a
complicated process, but it is not. If you believe in your heart and
say with your mouth that Christ is the risen Lord, you will be saved.
Jesus as your Savior and make Him Lord of you life by saying the
following prayer out loud.
Jesus as your Savior and make Him Lord of you life by saying the
following prayer out loud.
I know that I have broken your laws and my sins have separated me
from you. I am truly sorry, and now I want to turn away from my past
sinful life toward you. Please forgive me, and help me avoid sinning
again. I believe that your son, Jesus Christ died for my sins, was
resurrected from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer. I invite
Jesus to become the Lord of my life, to rule and reign in my heart
from this day forward. Please send your Holy Spirit to help me obey
You, and to do Your will for the rest of my life. In Jesus’ name I
pray, Amen.”
I know that I have broken your laws and my sins have separated me
from you. I am truly sorry, and now I want to turn away from my past
sinful life toward you. Please forgive me, and help me avoid sinning
again. I believe that your son, Jesus Christ died for my sins, was
resurrected from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer. I invite
Jesus to become the Lord of my life, to rule and reign in my heart
from this day forward. Please send your Holy Spirit to help me obey
You, and to do Your will for the rest of my life. In Jesus’ name I
pray, Amen.”
you have said this prayer and meant it from your heart, you are saved
and when your time here on earth comes to an end, heaven will be your
eternal home! Now, tell someone else what you have just done to
confirm your salvation.
you have said this prayer and meant it from your heart, you are saved
and when your time here on earth comes to an end, heaven will be your
eternal home! Now, tell someone else what you have just done to
confirm your salvation.
encourage you to find and become a member of a good Bible believing,
Bible teaching Christian church where you can be discipled and grow
in your walk with the Lord. Unfortunately, not all churches fulfill
these requirements. When you are looking for a church, find out what
they believe before you commit.
encourage you to find and become a member of a good Bible believing,
Bible teaching Christian church where you can be discipled and grow
in your walk with the Lord. Unfortunately, not all churches fulfill
these requirements. When you are looking for a church, find out what
they believe before you commit.
soon as you can, acquire a Bible in a version that is easy for you to
read, understand and assimilate. Examples: New International
Version (NIV);
New American Standard (NASB);
The Living Bible (TLB);
New Century Version (NCV);
New Living Translation (NLT).
soon as you can, acquire a Bible in a version that is easy for you to
read, understand and assimilate. Examples: New International
Version (NIV);
New American Standard (NASB);
The Living Bible (TLB);
New Century Version (NCV);
New Living Translation (NLT).
make it a practice to read your Bible every day. You are just
beginning a new life long journey. Welcome to the Family of God!
make it a practice to read your Bible every day. You are just
beginning a new life long journey. Welcome to the Family of God!
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