
A Contemplative Night.

Guest Post: Finding Strength Through the Struggle

By Guest Author Stacey L. Lacik
Used with permission from StaceyLacik.com

Some days, life feels like an uphill battle. Today was one of those days for me. From the moment I crawled out of bed, it seemed like every force of darkness was waiting to knock me down. But as the day went on, I found solace in small moments—reading the Word, drinking coffee, and staying busy.

Then, unexpectedly, I stumbled upon a journal entry buried in an old notebook. It was from a painful chapter of my life—the beginning of the end of my marriage. This discovery stirred up a wave of emotions and memories I hadn’t revisited in a long time.

A Painful Revelation

I recalled a time when my ex-husband humiliated me publicly, in a pet store of all places. It was a small moment but symbolic of a larger truth: the emotional and physical abuse I endured in that relationship. One particularly harrowing memory resurfaced—when he pushed me so hard that I flew across the room and hit a dresser, resulting in a severe back injury.

What stood out most that day wasn’t the pain but a realization: his actions weren’t out of control. They were deliberate. His hesitation before the second push revealed the truth—this wasn’t a moment of mental instability; it was calculated abuse.

For years, I made excuses for his behavior: blaming his anger, past trauma, or mental health. But in that moment, I finally saw it for what it was—abuse. It wasn’t a lack of control; it was a choice.

Healing and Growth

As I’ve grown older, I’ve gained clarity and strength. I’ve learned to protect my heart and set boundaries. I no longer tolerate abusive behavior or allow people to manipulate me emotionally or spiritually.

I’ve also learned this truth: God delivers. He surrounds us with His protection and provides a way out, even when it seems impossible. I’m still healing, but I can see the light ahead—hope and freedom are within reach.

For Those Who Need Hope Tonight

Why share something so personal? Because someone reading this may be in a place I once was—feeling trapped, hopeless, and unsure of how to move forward.

To you, I say: God sees you. He loves you. He will lead you out of this darkness.

Even when the pain feels unbearable, trust Him. He will work everything for good, just as He promises in Romans 8:28:

“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them.”

God redeems every situation for His glory. If you remain in His love, He will make a way for you, just as He has for me.

Tonight, I am tired and a little broken, but overwhelmingly thankful for all that God has delivered me from. His grace has carried me this far, and I know He will lead me the rest of the way.

If you are struggling, remember: You are not alone, and there is hope.

End of Guest Post

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