Happy New Year!

NOTE: This is a Guest Post used with permission from Gloria Thomas Anderson, LMSW at http://www.hearttones.com.

Traditionally, we say and hear this phrase repeatedly and it sounds good to our ears, especially if last year wasn’t so happy for us.

This past week, a gentleman started to talk to me about his New Year’s plans while we were waiting in line at the grocery store. He beamed as he spoke about his dream that had been delayed for many years. “It’s time”, he said. “I’ve had so many disappointments and setbacks, but this year I know that a change for the better is coming and I’m so ready for it.”

Regardless of your age or stage in life, you probably have experienced some dream delays yourself. Just when things seems to level off, something else appears that causes your equilibrium to tilt.

Catch yourself! Remember that living to
see a new year is in itself an opportunity to be!
Where there is breath, there is life.
Where there is life, there is hope.
Where there is hope, there is possibility!

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